Lifting Families:
Equipping, and

Image depicting families

Advocating for
effective and
family engagement.

Image depicting families


for families.

Image depicting families

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How to Lift Families


Choose one of our
Fun Family Events
to engage families.

Fun Family Events
Image depicting Fun Family Events


Combine with an
Effective Strategy to equip
families with learning tools.

Effective Strategy
Image depicting Effective Strategy


Empower families to
support learning at home as
they partner with the school.

Empowered Families
Image depicting Empowered Families

2 Cents
Silver Ink Blog

Our 2 Cents

We believe successful family engagement does not simply hinge on a school filled with parents; instead, we think the best indicator for success is having homes filled with parents equipped to support their children's learning. Browse Our 2 Cents to gain insightful ideas and tips as you lift families in your school.

What Parents Want to Read

By Cammie's Organization
September 5, 2024

Read More